Shades of Noirs (SoN) ‘Teaching Within’ (TW) programme is a proactive academic progression intervention that responds directly to the under-representation of academics of colour in the higher education sector, but not exclusively. This programme was created in 2016 by Aisha Richards in collaboration with SoN and has been delivered across all the University of the Arts London (UAL) colleges, with an intersectional approach to social justice. This community now makes up over 61% of academic staff at the university.
‘I was sceptical about the programme in the first instance and it has been tricky to implement from the course structure end. However, it became very clear really early on, that the mono culture and approach that currently exists has not benefited and challenged all our students positively. The very presence of difference is powerful, let alone the knowledge and impactful contributions our teaching within academic brought to the studio, curriculum and my team’s personal pedagogic reflection’
Course Leader
Teaching Within has increased the presence of academics of colour and further enhanced a diverse community of practitioners across the institution. This programme offers negotiated placements across any participating institution and implements diverse mechanisms to train (eg. Academic PGCert, paid job placement etc.) and support a positive development experience.
‘Whilst having some great fashion industry experiences and knowledge, the TW program offers paid work experience, which has enable me to apply the strategies I have learnt to create an inclusive teaching environment. More importantly, I have also developed a real passion for my work, in order to make a difference.’
Teaching Within Academic