My Disorder.

Book Geek, She/Her, UK.

Book Geek is a black female who lives in London and is currently 13 year of age. She is an avid reader of all types of books, articles and fan-fiction. She is a freelance contributor to Shades of Noir during periods when secondary school work has subsided.


Shades of Noir continues to support the dissemination of Book Geek works through our mediums with the agreement of her parent(s).


My disorder

Makes me wander the border

Between being alive and living

It’s like part of me is missing

Keeps me captive in my own mind

My normal life left behind

Confined by imagery walls

Making me feel small


I want to break free

But my disorder doesn’t agree

I know I need help

So, I tried to yelp

Someone, please acknowledge me

So, I can be who I want to be I’m nearing the end of my journey

But firstly…

Let me say

Thanks to those who were there when I was led astray

You were there

When my disorder got too hard to bare

You gave me acceptance

When all I thought I was being a hindrance

As I leave this existence I’m happy

I have a clear conscience…


By Book_Geek – Poetry inspired by the many teen fiction books on trauma and mental health sufferers