8 results for “Rayvenn

We have found 8 results with the word you searched.

Reflection on Shades of Noir

By Rayvenn Shaleigha D’Clark What a year it has been.  Tears. Tantrums. Growth. The idea of leaving shades scares me. Scares me in a way I have never had to consider until now. Because when I think of Shades, I think of family; I think of community, I think of legacy, all of which is…


An Invigilators Perspective

The Socio-Parasitology Manifesto, curated by Sabrina Mumtaz Hasan and Rayvenn D’Clark. Hosted by Shades of Noir, funded by Bow Arts, supported by University of the Arts London. Exhibited at Nunnery Gallery. Written by Iman Osman From the 11th-19th January 2019, The Socio-Parasitology Manifesto took over the Nunnery Gallery in East London, displaying the work of…

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